Deacon and Deaconess Ministry
The Deacon and Deaconess Ministry is comprised of a faithful assembly of God’s servants who are full of faith and wisdom and their lives are full of God’s work. The members of this Deacon and Deaconess Ministry serve under the leadership and spiritual direction of the Pastor and are loyal to him and the church in prayer, support, encouragement, and fellowship.
Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry of Zion Baptist Church exists to introduce men to Jesus Christ, enhance spiritual development and to encourage godly character in their daily lives.• Helping men reinforce their commitment to Christ, church and family. • Motivating men to practice their ministry at home, at work, and in the community. • Designing service programs and projects that will fully utilize men's gifts. • Encouraging men to take a lay leadership role in their church. • Encouraging men to claim their roles in local, regional and national missions. • Helping men to be more aware of their God-given talents and gifts. • Helping men become more aware of the meaning and purpose of their church membership. • Encouraging men to think in the terms of service to others. • Encouraging every man to be a prayer partner for his pastor.
Missionary Ministry
The Missionary Ministry of Zion Baptist Church is striving to attain all of the aspects of good Missionaries. Our purpose is to worship God in a joyful fellowship, to impact the community with needed and caring service and to invite all people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ as together we prepare for the second advent and an exciting eternity with our blessed Lord and Savior.
Usher Ministry
The mission of Zion Baptist Church Usher Ministry is to accommodate every congregant who enters the Church.- We provide a comfortable, God-fearing atmosphere where members and visitors alike will find an orderly, caring and welcoming experience.
- To ensure that the members receive all necessary needs to enjoy a pleasant worship experience.
- To strive to make Zion Baptist Church a place where people want to join because of the care received from the Ushers.
Women's Ministry
Our purpose is to bring women of all ages together for fellowship and spiritual growth to reach and fulfill the destiny the Lord has given each one by discovering the use of gifts and talents that the Lord has placed in each of us. Also, to reach out to our family and friends with the message of God’s love, demonstrating our faith in the Lord’s life, death, burial and resurrection.
Youth Ministry
The mission of the Youth Ministry of Zion Baptist Church is to establish a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviors in young people, by using creative and innovative methods to excite, inspire, capture and ignite young people for Jesus. Our goal is to enable young people to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it is to live for him only. Students are to love God and each other as Christ has loved us, and to impact those around them with his love.